- Beth Thompson

Description: Website of Beth Thompson: Actor, Teaching Artist, Alexander Technique Teacher

theatre (6530) actor (5012) teacher (3752) portland (3352) drama (2108) alexander technique (171) ne portland (9) beth thompson (2)

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Up and Coming

Great Wide Open April 12-May 7, 2023 Co-production between Many Hats Collaboration & Portland Playhouse

In a world of confusion two teenagers find hope and solace in each other. World-weary Kenny wants to escape the nightmare of his family life when his world collides with troubled, fiercely independent Junie’s and he finds the refuge he’s been seeking. Seniors in high school, and on the brink of possibility, Kenny and Junie take us on an intense, messy and confusing journey that evokes the heady emotional truth of young love, and confronts the hypocrisy of the American dream head on.