- Better Kids - Paediatric Program & Assessment Tools

Description: Paediatric program and assessment tools for children

children (9798) kids (7110) program (2897) occupational therapy (890) programme (739) pediatric (626) paediatric (109) private practice (108) developmental delay (46) learning difficulty (14)

Example domain paragraphs

After returning from overseas I was affected by the lack of OT specific work available in NZ.  Better Kids gave me the opportunity, with very minimal paediatric OT experience, to build a private practice and treat children competently and successfully with the current OT skills I had obtained throughout my previous career.  I have finally found a niche within an area of current high demand". Jane

Better Kids™ is a paediatric practice program and assessment tool designed by an Occupational Therapist with paediatric experience.

Better Kids program™ contains all relevant information and content to assess AND treat children aged 3-8, who are functioning below their chronological age, either due to developmental delays, disability or injury related.