- BeValued - Marketing & Web Design | Cluj-Napoca

Description: Marketing & Web Design services in Cluj-Napoca. We offer lead and traffic generation, as well as customer acquisition and retention. Learn more about our services!

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Hello! I’m Damian, freelance Marketer and Web Designer from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Keep scrolling to see what myself and the people I work with can do for you.

I am a freelancer since 2015 and I do enjoy working alone, but for most of my projects I work with other professionals to get things done. Your contract is with me and I assume responsibility for the project and its performances, but it’s not just a one man show over here (if that makes any difference to you).

It’s 70/30 right now, but I am trying to make it 50/50 in the next year or so. I started as a marketer, but I got tired of always having to ask web designers for different things, so I learned Illustrator, Photoshop, WordPress, CSS and HTML to get things done on my own. After that, designing websites just came as a natural step to take.

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