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Keto is a great way to start your nutritional path to optimal health but it goes far beyond just food. Of course food takes a major role on fixing health issues that go on inside and outside our bodies but is it the only component that leads us to good health? That's why I chose to call this site Beyond Keto. You see, fitness, relaxation and sleep for example also take on major roles in healing the body that most people take for granted. Sure a great diet with all the top foods will help you feel better and

Well in simple terms, keto is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, moderate protein nutritional lifestyle. Although a lot of people like to call it a diet for its weight loss effects. Keto is so much more than just another weight loss diet. It's a key to good health and longevity. When used correctly, I personally believe keto can heal just about everyone. The list of ketogenic benefits is endless the more you do your research on it. It's important to know before starting keto, that it is nearly impossible to know