- Bright Futures Learning Trust – Ensuring every child has a bright future

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Bright Futures Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust currently made up of 4 Woking schools; Goldsworth Primary School, St. John’s Primary School, Knaphill Lower School and Knaphill School. Goldsworth Primary became an academy in 2012 and St. John’s joined them in December 2013. We were delighted when the Knaphill schools joined the trust in July 2020.

When schools are part of a multi-academy trust (MAT), they benefit from working together with the other schools in their trust. Leaders, teachers and staff at all levels are able to support each other, share ideas and practice, come up with solutions to problems they may face and no-one need ever feel that they are alone. The Trust is there to support and challenge each school to be the very best it can be and provide a first class education for all of the children in its care.

Being part of the trust provides opportunities for staff to work in more than one school, sharing their expertise. For example, we have a specialist gymnastics teacher who currently works in two of our schools and our P.E. specialists in each school work very closely together, looking for opportunities for children to work together and also have some healthy competition! Several staff have now moved between schools to benefit from the opportunity of working in a different setting and, in several cases, for

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