- BFMI * Bernhard Fleischer Moving Images

Description: Bernhard Fleischer Moving Images - the independent production company for music & dance on screen.

dokumentarfilm (358) moving images (15) musikfilm (15) musikprogramm (9) tanzfilm (5) tanzprogramm (2) bernhard fleischer (1) music film production (1) dance film production (1) music on screen (1)

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We re­cord op­er­as and stage works of in­ter­na­tion­al stages, op­era houses and fest­ivals. Our biggest aim is to trans­form the stage works to the screen with the highest en­joy­ment for the view­er.  

We also bring the dance on screen and re­cord stun­ning pro­duc­tions, dance per­form­ances and even in­cred­ibly beau­ti­ful horse dressages.    

Out­stand­ing con­certs, great stars, a won­der­ful rep­er­toire - we make it ac­cess­ible to a wider audi­ence. We re­cord world­wide a wide range of mu­sic styles, ven­ues and artists.  

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