- B & G Auto Repair - Auto Repair, Brake Repair, Oil Change, SF | San Francisco, CA

Description: Contact B & G Auto Repair (415) 255-8623 in SF, San Francisco, CA. Our mechanics can assist with auto repair, brake repair and oil change service.

ca (9793) san francisco (4347) auto repair (2375) oil change (1363) sf (697) brake repair (484) mechanics (476)

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(415) 255-8623  

You can come to B & G Auto Repair whenever your car needs service, whether you know what the issue is or not. You'll enjoy fast, reliable work that comes with our guarantee. While we are happy to tackle repairs of any size, we also offer routine maintenance for proper upkeep that helps your car stay on the road longer. Speak with one of our representatives for details about our garage.

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