- Bharat Sevak Samaj|BSS|Bharat Sevak Samaj Central Programme Office|BSS Courses|BSS Vocational Training Courses

Description: Bharat Sevak Samaj, BSS, Bharat Sevak Samaj Central Programme Office, BSS Courses

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Bharat Sevak Samaj is the national development agency sponsored by Planning Commission, Government of India to ensure public co-operation for implementing government plans.

The mission launched by Bharat Sevak Samaj empowers the people of our nation to aquire skills irrespective of their ages.

Vocational Education-instruction intended to equip persons for industrial or commercial-may be obtained either formally in trade schools, technical schools, or in on-the-job training programs or more informally, by picking up the necessary skills on the job, industrial, agricultural and home making courses.

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