- Herbal Liver Tonic Wholesale,Ayurvedic Blood Purifier Supplier,Manufacturer in India

Description: Bhartiya Ayurvedic Pharmac is certified pharma company dealing in herbal liver tonic, ayurvedic blood purifier, herbal medicine, beauty products and much more based in Kundly,India.

manufacturer in india (11) herbal liver tonic wholesale ayurvedic blood purifier supplier

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Ayurveda is one of the oldest and the most effective ways to treat diseases. We understand the importance of ayurveda and ayurvedic products and that is why we, Bhartiya Ayurvedic Pharmacy came into the market in the year 2007. We are manufacturer, wholesaler and supplier of a wide variety of ayurvedic products which includes Ayurvedic Chyawanprash, Ayurvedic Powder, Ayurvedic Syrup and Tonic, Herbal Liver Tonic, Ayurvedic Blood Purifier, Iron Compound Herbal Syrup etc. All these are formulated in-house usi

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