regenerative medicine (216) stem cells (191) transplantation (99) cell therapy (68) tissue engineering (48)

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BHI Therapeutic Sciences is considering a potential securities offering in the near future. This notice is intended to gauge potential investor interest in such an offering. Please read the following information before proceeding:

Welcome to BHI Therapeutic Sciences, Inc. , an international biotechnology company that specializes in delivering the highest quality stem cell treatments for various conditions. We are committed to providing our patients with the most advanced therapy at the lowest cost point in the market. BHI has a team of world-class scientists and medical professionals who are dedicated to researching and developing new treatments for a wide range of health conditions. Our research efforts are led by a Scientific Advis

Invest in the future of healthcare by supporting BHI Therapeutic Sciences, the US entity of the Blue Horizon International family of companies. We are proud to offer a crowdfunding opportunity for investors who are passionate about biotechnology innovation. As a leading international company, BHI provides top-quality stem cell treatments for a variety of conditions, supported by a 10-year track record of safety and efficacy. Our network of licensed clinics offers cutting-edge therapy at an affordable price,

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