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I came across James Nickel's book Mathematics: Is God Silent? as a Christian Mathematics teacher. His book was like rain in a parched land. I do not think that I overstate the case when I say that reading Mathematics: Is God Silent? was a watershed moment for me as a teacher.

When I was afforded the privilege to work through an advance copy of The Dance of Number , I did so with great anticipation. I was not disappointed. I only wish I had been taught with such a textbook - it would have made the study of Mathematics meaningful and much more interesting. In addition to the excellent pedagogy evident throughout the book, Nickel firmly establishes Mathematics as a field worthy of study by any person interested in thinking God's thoughts after Him.

James Nickel's work will benefit schools, teachers and children across the globe. He has done a service to the body of Christ which will, I believe, prove to be of inestimable value in preparing Christian children to take their rightful place in the world, and in setting aright so much that has gone wrong in education

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