- BiFi

Description: BiFi is a cross-chain DeFi lending service on top of Bifrost Network. Seamlessly deposit and lend various coins and tokens across multiple networks without bridge.

blockchain (6683) coin (1813) token (1664) defi (1189) lending (705) dapps (110) crosschain (16) bifrost network (3)

Example domain paragraphs

BiFi Launch App Total value locked Cross-chain $ 16,613,570.81 The ultimate cross-chain DeFi platform Supply, borrow, and earn efficiently with BiFi

BiFi Cross-chain Legacy BiFi Earn more with BiFi Connect your wallet Connect a decentralized wallet of your choice. Biport is a multichain wallet that supports all chains on BiFi. Manage all assets in one place without the hassle of adding or switching networks.

Supply assets Supply crypto assets to start earning interest automatically. Start with ETH, USDC, BNB, MATIC, USDT, and many more as we connect to many more chains.

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