- Nate Woods

Example domain paragraphs

I am a full-stack software developer with aspirations of moving into robotics. I dive into problems, seek to understand the situation, derive execution plans and can realize those goals. I communicate complex ideas well with others: technical and non-technical alike. I work closely with my customers so they receive the best products and services possible.

I am a laid-back dude who tinkers, programs, designs, and hacks. I love to take things apart, discover how they work and improve them. I enjoy anything to do with computers (hardware, firmware, or software). Through my education and personal studies, I have touched on every abstraction layer of the computer, from silicon and transistors to user interfaces and the human layer, discovering joy throughout the stack.

Feel free to reach out and say “Hey”. I seem to always have things going on, so it may take a while to get back to you, but I will get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, and if I haven’t gotten back to you in over a week, you may have gotten trapped in a spam filter; Try reaching out on a different platform.