- Bike 'n Hike 9 September 2023 - Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust

Description: Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust

charity (7046) hertfordshire (1312) bedfordshire (557) historic churches trust (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Huge thanks go to all our bikers and hikers for taking part in Bike 'n Hike 2022 for raising £91,200. It's our main annual fundraising event and by taking part and getting people to sponsor you, you raise essential funds to repair churches and chapels which are such important places for their local communities. 

We also say thank you everyone who welcomed bikers and hikers to their local church - we know how much a friendly face is appreciated, and the refreshments that were kindly provided in many churches were most welcome.

Each church involved keeps half of the funds raised by its supporters, while the remainder plus gift aid goes to the Trust to be awarded as grants to help maintain these historic buildings.