Description: OUR FAMILY has been in the Auction and Real Estate Business since 1950. Bill Gray Sr. started the business which has continued in professional & honest service for three generations. Bill Gray Jr. and his wife Katie and son Tyler still provide sellers w
home (85598) real estate (49285) tn (2197) south fulton (9) bill gray real estate - bill gray & son real estate & auction co (1) 626 broadway (1)
Office: 731-479-1620 Mobile: 731-335-3800 Tyler: 731-335-4511 Email: [email protected]
Bill Gray Real Estate - Bill Gray & Son Real Estate & Auction Company (Firm #563) 626 Broadway South Fulton , TN 38257 ph: 731-479-1620 Bill @BillGray RealEstat e .com
OUR FAMILY has been in the Auction and Real Estate Business since 1950. Bill Gray Sr. started the business which has continued in professional & honest service for three generations. Bill Gray Jr. and his wife Katie and son Tyler still provide sellers with auction service that represents Quality, Integrity, and Fair Market Value. Contact us today and learn why Bill Gray & Son Real Estate & Auction Company is chosen by clients all over West Tennessee and West Kentucky!