- Bills Daily - - Your source for news about the Buffalo Bills football team

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--> Bills Daily - Top News Shutting Down Bills Daily After 20 years serving Bills fans with this website, after careful consideration I have decided to stop updating Bills Daily. My personal commitments have made it very difficult to do what I have always done with this website which is updating it daily, or more when news breaks. I will continue to have a heavy presence on my twitter feed so continue to follow me there where I will give my continued thoughts on the Bills.

I will continue to follow the team with the same diehard status that is a fixture with Bills Daily and will be giving my thoughts on all the ongoings on the field during training camp and during the season. So definitely keep up with me on twitter and who knows maybe I will write a blog here and there when the mood hits me.

I did not come to this decision lightly but I have known for quite some time that my site is a dinosaur. I do not have the time, or to be totally honest, the energy that is needed to bring it up to today's standards. There are plenty of other sites you can go to, to get the information you were getting here at Bills Daily. I will keep the site active for the foreseeable future for the archives, draft pages, frontoffice pages, and other areas that will still be pertinent as we head into the 2018 season.

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