- UFC 2012 | Bill Whale

Description: Bill Whale

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One of the things that made training for the UFC so difficult was there was no training routine out there to follow.  If you want to train for a marathon, a long distance bike ride, or even a long distance swim, there are multiple books, online resources, and magazine articles for you to use as a guide.  For most of these events you can talk to several people who have done them and they can provide some insight into what they found was the best training routine.  Not so for a mutli-day endurance expedition

UFC Workout Log

As you would guess, there are a lot of long distance paddling pieces.  Even though I had a sail with my rig I took the approach that I needed to train like I was going to have to paddle the entire 1200 miles.  I am glad I adopted this philosophy because that is about how it turned out.  I think anyone thinking about the UFC needs to view the sail as just icing on the cake.  Train like you will not have it and then if you are lucky enough to be able to use it, you are that much ahead.   In addition to gettin