- Bimonte Sorrento – Online shop of handmade cameos and corals in Sorrento

Description: Bimonte Sorrento is an online store of handmade gold and silver jewelry with cameos, corals and precious stones. Online shop earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants, brooches, bracelets handamade with coral cameos created in the artisan workshop in Sorrento

jewelry (7172) gold (5221) silver (2730) earrings (1707) necklace (856) coral (405) jewels (316) cameo (92) cameos (16) pendants and bracelets (3)

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Christian,The cameo is absolutely beautiful! I am thrilled. The artisan is to be commended to the highest for his special talent as an artist! I received it today and have worn it all day!. I have had many complements on it. Please tell the artist what a fabulous job he did. Thank you Christian for your willingness to work with me on this special custom piece! You, the arts and your family are to be commended to the highest! The work, the setting is all top quality! The BEST! Your friend forever!

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