- BIO4SELF for ultra-strong bio-based composites

Description: BIO4SELF is a Horizon 2020 project, aiming for fully bio-based self-reinforced polymer composites (SRPC) with high mechanical performance (impact strength and stiffness), superior to that of current self-reinforced polypropylene (PP) existing on the market. Inherent self-functionalization will be added via photocatalytic fibres (self-cleaning properties), tailored microcapsules (self-healing properties) and deformation detecting fibres (self-sensing).

strong (590) self-healing (147) recyclable (107) bio-based (22) fiber-based material (1) self-sensing (1) smell-reducing (1) inherent functionalities (already in the material (1) inherent functionalities (already in the material not requiring further treatment..): self-cleaning

Example domain paragraphs

BIO4SELF results on display at our booth at the JEC World fair in Paris. BIO4SELF won the JEC sustainability award !

PLA is a biobased and sustainable thermoplastic polymer with good technical performance (good stiffness and strength). Currently, PLA use is limited, eg for packaging applications, for medical applications (e.g. tissue scaffolds, implants and sutures) and to a lesser extent in textile applications (mainly agro textiles).

Hybrid PLA preforms will be made to consist of reinforcement PLA fibres (high melting temperature and high mechanical properties) together with matrix PLA (low melting temperature). These hybrid PLA preforms will be made with different fibre architecture, e.g. chips with short fibres in random orientations, and fabrics with long fibres in controlled orientations.

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