- Homepage - International Biochar Initiative

Description: Sustainable biochar is a powerful, scalable technology to address the climate crisis.

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Search Search Home About IBI Mission Board of Directors Staff Member Directory Partners Contact Us  About biochar FAQs  How to Make Biochar BIOCHAR TECHNOLOGY Biochar Feedstocks BIOCHAR STOVES BIOCHAR PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES OPEN SOURCE BIOCHAR TECHNOLOGIES Soil Health  Sustainability & climate change Biochar in developing countries Resources Biochar Classification Tool IBI Biochar Classification Tool Main page IBI Biochar Classification Tool Interface Using the Classification Tool: An Example FAQs on the T

Welcome to International Biochar Initiative

IBI provides a platform for fostering stakeholder collaboration, good industry practices, and environmental and ethical standards to support biochar systems that are safe and economically viable One billion tons of biochar produced per year within 50 years.