- Bioenergy Professor

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Since the report "Our common future" was presented by the "Brundtland commission" in 1987 has sustainability been on the agenda in many countries of the world. A sustainable development must – according to the definition given in the report – guarantee that each and every generation is given the possibility to fulfil their (essential) needs without compromising the possibility for any following generation to fulfil their needs. The sustainable development must be based on three pillars, namely 1) Ecological

And then there is one more thing: Sustainable development must be based on a realistic view of world resources .

The global warming and it’s consequences as foreseen by the climate models reported by the IPCC violates the ecological sustainability by replacing known ecosystems by unknown and by shifting climate zones in a way that may render areas that are today densely populated un-inhabitable for humans. It violates the social sustainability for the same cause, threatening to expose large populations to extended starvation or force them to abandon their traditional land. It violates the economical sustainability by