- Center for Biography and Social Art

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The Vision  is inspired by the practice of Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy – wisdom of the human being.  The Center provides leadership in social renewal and is a guiding resource for understanding the process of becoming in the human being and the universe. At the heart of this spiritual-scientific work is the picture of metamorphosis, out of which meaning may be found and trust in existence may arise.

The Mission of The Center for Biography and Social Art  celebrates the threefold human being – body, soul and spirit; encourages reverence for the uniqueness of every life journey; illuminates the mysteries of human life in earthly gesture and spiritual depth; and practices authentic human encounter. The Center fulfills its mission through adult education programs and events, research, professional networking, and community and client support.

The Biography and Social Art Certificate Program is a part-time program in which participants work together with stories- personal and mythological- art, and nature to awaken new imaginations and to cultivate a living understanding of nature, biography, humanity, and the cosmos.

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