- Fismer Lecithin – Biolecithin

Description: Fismer Lecithin liefert rein organische Sonnenblumen-Lecithine, Raps-Lecithine und Soja-Lecithine manufactured in Europe.

hamburg (10778) organic (5356) certified (1710) sunflower (133) soya (73) canola (41) emulsifier (27) phospholipids (12) rapeseed (11) fismer lecithin (1)

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Those who advertise their good name at “Organic” can demand the highest quality, complete safety and 100% transparency from their suppliers.

With our new LeciFis ORG lecithins, we offer our customers, for the first time, a fully organic certified cultivation, processing and transport chain for 100% organic food and feed “manufactured in Europe”.

In a development phase lasting over two years, we have worked with local producers and processors to create a sustainable product range that fully meets European requirements.