Description: Bishesh Tiwaree's personal website. Currently building Strike. Previously at SesameCare, DurstExpress, Tourlane, taledo, trivago.
blog (30354) engineer (3275) software engineer (2015) personal website (734) frontend engineer (88) cofounder (15) bishesh (1) tiwaree (1) bisheshtiwaree (1) bishesh tiwaree (1)
👋 Hi! I'm Bishesh Tiwaree Software Engineer Working on Strike Love building beautiful products, currently learning to build scalable system at Strike. Working with React, NextJS, Java, TS, Supabase, ECR+ECS. Been working as a Frontend Engineer for most of my career. Studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (BSc) at Jacobs University Bremen . React NextJS Typescript TailwindCSS GraphQL Supabase AWS Figma Engineer/Co-Founder Strike 2024 Feb - Present Strike is a product and growth intelligence plat