- Bit Bit Daily-The world's leading information portal

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What is HyperGPT (HGPT) HyperGPT is a marketplace for all AI solutions and a seamless SDK where you can access integrated AI solutions!

(WAki International Media Center 19th July) The speech of Dr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Museum on The Buddha’s Finger Replica Relic Veneration Ceremony at Waki Relic Museum, Malaysia on 8th July 2023.

On July 17, BC, the organizer of the well-known Web3 festival in Southeast Asia, announced the winners of this year's blockchain competition, and in the GameFi track, the winner of the Technology Innovation award Heynext attracted wide attention. Heynext is a global interactive entertainment developer with game development as the core.