- BITTERGURKE Diabetes Blutzuckersenken Gesund Abnehmen

Description: Bittergurke reduziert den Blutzucker und hilft bei Diabetes mellitus (Diabetis Typ 2). Diabetische Ernährung in natürlicher Form. Gemüse, Rezepte und Gesund Abnehmen!

diabetes (2640) abnehmen (1200) blutzuckersenkend (1) cholesterinsenkend (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Hygiene products

Bitter cucumber, also called bitter melon, actually owes its name to its bitter taste. The pulp is usually treated with salt before consumption to soften the bitter taste.

The fruit, leaves and seeds of the bitter cucumber are highly valued in the growing areas of the tropics and subtropics, especially in Asia, both as food and as a medicine.