- Grand Rapids Web Design and Web Hosting in Michigan - Bizhand.Com

Description: Grand Rapids Web Design and Hosting in Michigan. Effective web design and affordable web hosting and SEO services. BUY LOCAL! MADE IN MICHIGAN, USA!

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Site Hosting & Web Design Professionals Bizhand.Com, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, provides businesses and organizations with a wide range of internet development, web design, search optimization, and web hosting services.  Whether you're a small business just getting a marketing plan together, or a large corporation looking to renovate a site or benefit from professional internet consulting and websitedesign services, Bizhand.Com is here to meet your needs.

We Serve Clients Nationwide From our location in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Bizhand.Com provides hosting and web design services for clients throughout the country.  The internet makes that possible.  Similarly, the internet, with a properly designed web site, can make your business prosper in ways you could never imagine in the not too distant past.  Contact us today to see how we can put the power of the internet to work for you!

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