- Blackfriars Crown Court: Home

Description: Welcome to Fabrix's Blackfriars Crown Court engagement website.

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We are consulting local residents regarding our proposed application to make some refinements to the consented proposals for the former Blackfriars Crown Court (Ref: 20/AP/1537 varied by 22/AP/1347), known as Roots in the Sky.

Since the consent of our original application by the London Borough of Southwark in May 2021, following the committee in November 2020, we have continued to enhance the scheme by creating more planting, surpassing sustainability targets, and improving the strategy for basement layout and construction. We are now looking at additional improvements, and are proposing to make minor refinements to parts of the proposed façade and internal layouts.

Fabrix and the Roots in the Sky Project Team hosted a drop-in session to discuss the plans for Blackfriars Crown Court with local residents and interested parties on: