- The Gist of Freedom Preserving American History through Black Literature . . . Podcast Series - Apple Podcasts

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Join The Gist of Freedom for a live online discussion in celebration of the African American experience—honoring all the people, past and present, black and white—who have determined to preserve history in literature, craftsmanship and artifact.

Black Women's Club Movement The Phillis Wheatley Association

Join Sherrie Tolliver as she shares her mother's artifacts and stories from her involvement in The Black Women's Club Movement.  Jane Edna Hunter  (1882-1971) –  Activist With the help of other women and $1,500, Jane Edna Hunter  opened the Working Girls Home Association, a boarding home for 10 women on East 40th, north of Central Avenue. The purpose of this voluntary association was to build a safe residence for the homeless, unprotected, newly arriving African American women and working women like herself