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Greetings fellow fallen vikings who have found their way here to this post detailing the building of my base in the world of Hellhalla (SNxQJCe49Y). I’ve recently been unable to play the game all that much due to work travel so I’ve been spending my spare time writing up my experiences in constructing the first major base in this play through. So yea it is quite long-winded since I’ve had plenty of time bored in hotels to work on it. Still, I’ve tried to remain concise.

This is my second play through of Valheim after “beating” the game back in 2021 with three other friends – progressing up to the defeat of Yagluth, which was the final major boss at the time (it even only had placeholder drops when you killed it). Now I’ve returned to solo my way through it on normal difficulty without mods – mainly because I’m playing through GeForceNOW (I’ll include a brief review of the service at the end). Here is a look at the first rendition of Hellholm:

This was more of a communal build and base, and the Grand Hall that I constructed (the barn-like building to the upper-right of the first image and upper-left of the second) never really equaled the image I was carrying in my head. So, this time I decided I was going to do it right and could focus more time on building rather than keeping busy out in the world with friends that want to push forward the game progression.

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