Description: Guaranteed to be full of good luck and blessings, jade that was has been blessed by Buddhist monks in China.
china (5395) buddhist (332) jade (271) blessed (115) monk (85)
All of the jade on this Website has been blessed by Buddhist monks in China, adding even more blessings to a very auspicious gemstone. For many centuries Chinese people have believed that jade will bring you good luck, and also that the blessings of a Buddhist monk will lead to a long, healthy and peaceful life. Good fortune in a beautiful piece of jewelry, a nice way to look great and be blessed with a lot of good luck.
In China jade has been a symbol of good luck for thousands of years, it has the power to ward off evil and bless the wearer with good health and prosperity. We have taken this one step further by having every item sold on this site blessed by a Buddhist monk, to further enhance the blessings offer by this beautiful gemstone. The blessed jade jewelry listed on this site is the best possible gift you can give, offer many blessings for good fortune to the receiver.