- Your castor and wheel manufacturer for all applications | Blickle

Description: Wheels & castors for every use ▶ years of experience ▶ swivel castors ▶ fixed castors ▶ heavy duty castors ▶ light duty castors, etc. ▶ find out more!

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We have been one of the leading manufacturers of wheels and castors for decades because of our reliability and commitment to innovation. Blickle has been manufacturing high quality wheels and castors since 1953 and is a global leader in the field in terms of sales volumes, quality and the size of the company’s product range.

Our aim is simple: to develop the best wheel and the best castor for every application. We reinvent the wheel every day based on our good ideas, commitment to innovation, expertise in materials and manufacturing technology, lateral thinking, many years of experience and our committed and highly motivated employees.