Tests have become a part of the medical field because only with the help of tests, physicians and healthcare professionals diagnose diseases and try to provide the right type of treatments. There is another very important benefit from tests and especially, DNA genetic testing and it is this test can help you lead a healthy life. Let us delve deep into this so you can keep a few points in mind while deciding whether to go for a DNA test.
1. With the help of a test, you can know how your body will respond to various types of foods and exercises. Simply put, it is your gene that determines the way your body responds to the foods you consume and the workouts you do. If you get your DNA tested, you can go for a uniquely customized diet regimen as well as an exercise regimen that suits you. This also means that by choosing a diet regimen or a workout regimen that is perfectly suited to you, you will be able to increase their efficacy by several
Researchers have proved that by getting a mouth swab carried out as soon as you wake up in the morning and before you venture into the task of brushing of your teeth, scan gene variants and more specifically, 45 of them, can be scanned so the response of your body to various types of foods and exercises can be found. You can find out the sensitivity of your body to carbohydrates, saturated fats, salt, gluten and lactose. You can also find out your intolerance risk towards items such as gluten. The test will