- Blooming Cancer – Living flat and recovery after breast cancer

Description: I’m Juliet and I’m 59. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2016. My tumour was 70mm, Grade 3. Mildly ER+, PR- and HER2+. I had a lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and Herceptin.  My active treatment finished in April 2017 and I am now cancer free. I had a second mastectomy for symmetry in November…

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Blooming Cancer

Living flat and recovery after breast cancer

I’m Juliet and I’m 59. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2016. My tumour was 70mm, Grade 3. Mildly ER+, PR- and HER2+. I had a lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and Herceptin.  My active treatment finished in April 2017 and I am now cancer free. I had a second mastectomy for symmetry in November 2017 and am living flat – without breasts.

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