- Blossom Academic School – Blossom Academic School is the best iti education center in mau area. we provide world level education

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Welcome To Blossom Academic School Jiv Pur Matsa Ghazipur | Inspire Awards – Manak (2022-23) | |

Blossom Academic School is an English Medium Co-educational school for the boys and girl conducted by the Governmenting of SHARADA SHIKSHA Society following C.B.S.E pattern (New Delhi) and reserves to itself the right to run the school according to its norms and close the school if it is prevented in any way from doing so. The aim of the institution is to train the students to become useful citizens of their Motherland as well as to form in them habits of pritty, virtue, discipline and self-efficiency. Prov

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity”

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