- Bloviating Zeppelin

Description: Right thinking from a Left Brain

news (24869) politics (4046) opinion (740) logical discussion (1)

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[ BZ Note :  First off, this website, , was taken down in error for over two months. I threw camshafts and birthed kittens thinking that 20 years of work had been flushed down the proverbial Crapper, Sir Thomas, 1 each.  After serious assistance by Bushwack (you know who you are) and my site host, we were able to resurrect what I think may be the entire site — as far as I can tell. With that in mind, let us continue . ]

It’s no surprise to anyone who has been reading my blog since its inception in 2004 — or listening to my wireless radio show, since January of 2017 — that I am not a young man by any stretch of the imagination, being in my 7th decade on the planet.

It’s also no surprise that I retired from 41 years in law enforcement (closer to 42) in 2016 and, to keep myself off the streets and off heroin, I fortuitously ran into Sack Heads Shaun of the SHR Media Network — who was kind enough to offer a radio show on the network.

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