Description: Wanderings & Observations
In this post, I’ll recount a little history involving a man who lost his head and another who said he was God. Usually, my posts focus on photographs but I can’t resist sharing some of the backstory behind a recent island idyll…
The plan: hire a boat and spend the day on an uninhabited island. Well, almost uninhabited – two caretakers live there year-round, greeting visitors from April to October and keeping the place as pristine as possible all year long. It’s a small island, just a ragged bump on the horizon in the Salish Sea, 21 miles from the Canadian border as the crow flies.
Seven of us met at the marina on a gemlike, clear-sky, fresh-air morning in June. Toting backpacks stuffed with food, cameras, water bottles, the ten essentials , field guides, extra jackets, and more water, we boarded the Island Express II and settled in for the 30-minute ride to Vendovi Island. No ferries stop at Vendovi so you have to find your own way there. Once on board the small boat, we chose our places – some of us inside, the hardy souls outside in a brisk wind. Barb, Rachel, Richard, Serge, and S