- David Mearns Shipwreck Hunter book

Description: The Shipwreck Hunter, David Mearns - buy the Shipwreck Hunter book by David Mearns

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David L. Mearns, one of the world’s most experienced and successful deep-sea shipwreck hunters, has agreed to lead the search for the wreck of the Empire Windrush and the recovery of the ship’s stern anchor for it to become the centrepiece of a national monument to the Windrush Generation. In his career David has located 25 major shipwrecks with an overall success rate of 90% and has been awarded five Guinness World Records, including one for locating the deepest shipwreck ever found at 5,762 metres. In add

“I have seen first-hand how important a physical object, like the bell of HMS Hood , can be in connecting people to the memory of a ship and her crew. I am in no doubt that Windrush’s anchor will become a similar ‘touchstone’ for the Windrush Generation and the wider public.”

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