- Biomedicinos Technika UAB

Description: Производство медицинского оборудования. Видеокольпоскоп BMT SLV-101. Оптический кольпоскоп BMT ALScope.SLV-101 HDm

медтехника (181) bmt (84) slv (40) colposcope (9) кольпоскоп (5) видеокольпоскоп (2) производство медтехники (2) slv-101 (1) alscope (1) videocolposcope (1)

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UAB Biomedicinos technika  is young and quickly growing company developing and manufacturing medical diagnostic equipment.

Head quarter is based in Vilnius (Lithuania).

Company’s main products are optical, infrared imaging systems used in day-to day doctors’ activities. We seek to make physicians’ daily practice comfortable and not tiring. We develop devices in a way that “all and always” could be at a hand and right in front of doctor’s eyes enabling him/her to escape making unnecessary movements.

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