- HOME - BMZ GROUP -Batteriehersteller und Batteriesysteme

Description: Die BMZ Group entwickelt und produziert High-Tech-Batteriesysteme, die weltweit in den unterschiedlichsten Produkten namhafter Marken verbaut werden.

mobility (1200) charger (459) akku (309) lithium (204) e-mobility (168) li-ion (78) akkumulator (26) batteriesysteme (17) batteriehersteller (14) sven bauer (14)

Example domain paragraphs

A green world without nuclear, coal, gas or oil dependency and with CO2 reduction is achievable through sustainable products. We shape the future for our children and contribute to improving the world.

"A green world without nuclear, coal, gas or oil dependency and CO² reduction is achievable through sustainable products because we shape the future for our children and contribute to improving the world"

Sven Bauer, CEO & Founder BMZ Group

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