Description: Bethany Navajeevan
bethany navajeevan physiotherapy (1)
Physiotherapists assess, plan and implement rehabilitative programs that improve or restore human motor functions, maximize movement ability, relieve pain syndromes, and treat or prevent physical challenges associated with functional challenges, injuries, diseases and other impairments.
Bethany Navajeevan College of Physiotherapy managed by Bethany Navajeevan Province of the Order of Imitation of Christ, a religious community which is known as Bethany Ashram. Bethany Ashram has been in the field of Education for Eight decades. This religious community is founded by great educationalist and visionary late Archbishop Mar Ivanios.
'Learn to heal' as our motto says emphasizes the importance of alleviating the doom of pain from lives and revive individuals back to a healthy life. Our Clinic holds foundation in faith, service & dedication and aims to improve lives of as many people by empowering our students to maximize their knowledge and skills on an all round level. Here students embark on a journey to embrace different souls in need with a biopsychosocial perspective of healing and gift them with smiles that tune from gratitude.