Description: BoarWar NFT Game
game (9671) nft (4086) war (1037) boar (42)
Boars are the main characters of the BoarWar play-to-earn game. Each Boar has appearance and utility attributes. While the former attributes are purely aesthetic and affect only the rarity rate of your NFT, the latter ones define the real gaming value of your character.
The fictional universe of Aurora Boarealis is devided into 4 distinctive territories – one for each faction: Forest, Mountains, Cave & Dead Fields. Your card`s faction defines a set of parameters and skills that the character on the card will have in battle. It also specifies the kingdom in which you get a plot of land if your Boar is eligible for it.
Each Boar has its own set of unique artifacts – armor, weapon, helmet and various jewelry. These artifacts define the main attacking and defensive abilities of your warrior. They can also be inherited by the Boar’s offspring.