- A Celebration of Bob Eberz - Last Weeks Journal

Description: A Celebration of Bob Eberz' Life

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In the last weeks of Dad's life, we made an effort to update our friends and family regularly through email. Added to those updates are a few pictures. The Last Weeks Journal is this special part of Dad's life.

------------------------------ Posted Fri, 05/15/2009 Dear friends and loved ones, Thank you so much for your prayers. I had a rather smooth trip back to the States. Only one small hiccup in Chicago when they needed to do some repairs before we could fly, but it was straightened out well enough and we arrived in Philly just about 11pm. I was blessed to go right to the hospital to visit with Dad for a hour or so before turning in for the night. God is so good. Dad strength has weakened considerable over the

  我亲爱的朋友们 非常感谢你们的祷告! 我已经顺利回到美国。飞机在芝加哥因为需要检修稍稍耽搁了一下,后面行程很顺利,我到费城的时候是晚上11点,我刚好可以直接去医院看望爸 爸,和他待了一个多小时,然后回家。神真是恩待我。 最近这一两周爸爸特别感到气力衰微,他的腹部和肺部非常疼痛。除了慢性打嗝,医生给他服用的氯丙嗪和吗啡可以让他睡一会儿。他这样时睡时醒, 自己有时就有点糊涂,醒来时也仿佛在做梦一般,我现在就在医院,坐在他边上,利用他睡过去的片刻给你们写这封邮件。 今天爸爸的情况不错,能下床坐在轮椅上在地上来回走走。爸爸很想带我到医院的几个地方看看,过去几个月他曾在那些地方做过一些志愿服务的。护 士想让爸爸下地走走,爸爸也试着扶着助步架走了一段路到休息室,我们在那一起用了午餐。 我昨天很晚的时候和一位爸爸的负责医生谈了谈,我很有幸听得医生称赞父亲在医院做志愿服务。父亲甘心服侍他人从来都是我的一个美好榜样。医生 也为下一阶段我们家里如何配合给出了一些建议。前面的路怎样走还不是很清楚,我们会一起思考,商议,向神祈求一个最佳方案,也请求大家为我们 祷告。医院肯定是不舒服的,爸爸想回家,我们会再和一些相关人员谈谈,使这