- syllabus101.html

Example domain paragraphs

Covid-19 Accommodations: Withe pandemic becoming an endemic, we still need to be mindful of students that are sick or in quarantine.  We will follow the rules set forth by Mount Union regarding social distancing, masking, sanitation.... etc.  For written work, we will begin to return to pre-pandemic practices with lab assignments turned in prior to the start of lab.  We will continue to use Desire2Learn (D2L) to submit scanned written work for homework, unless the class as a whole determines it prefers to t

Office hours:   See the assignments page for current times.

You set the agenda for office hours. Come with questions about the lecture, laboratory, reading, homework, exams, grading, or anything else of concern or interest. Attend in groups or as an individual. If you would like to discuss something in private, please make a separate appointment.  When multiple people are present, people will alternate asking questions. If I am not in my office during office hours, check my white board for a note of where we are -  typically we will meet in the intro physics labs (B