- Bob the Solar Guy

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Over 37+ years of experience in utilities and solar. Contact Bob to see if solar can save you money!

Utilities are always raising rates annually.  You don’t OWN anything and if you don’t pay the monthly bill, they cut your power off. Sounds like a Landlord, right? By going Solar, you own your power generation and all the equipment. A Solar Investment adds equity to your property. Once it’s paid for your investment turns into long term savings worth thousands!

The Federal Tax credit was increased back to 30% in late 2022 and extended for 10 years with the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act. This is fantastic news as it was supposed to expire in 2023. Some States offer an additional State Tax Credit as in SC where the credit is an additional 25% of the system costs. Seven states now offer Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC’s) which pay you $6,000-$20,000 cash based on your system size. Some utilities offer rebates, but they have to be funded every year. Bob