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Description: The Congressional Apportionment Amendment (CAA) was found ratified in 2011. You need to know that. Article the First of the Bill of Rights has been found to be ratified by 80% of the states by 1792. Article the First of the Bill of Rights. Why do we not have One Representative in the House of Congress for every 50,000 Citizens as the Amendment says. All 12 amendments to the Bill of Rights have been Passed! Why is the Archivist of the United States, and our Federal Government ignoring ratification of Article

congress (816) constitution (663) caa (134) bill of rights (72) president obama (24) ratified amendments of the bill of rights (1) congressional apportionment amendment (1) 12 amendments in the bill of rights (1) archivist of the united states bill ferriero (1)

Example domain paragraphs clearly shows that the Congressional Apportionment Amendment (CAA) from the Bill of Rights is Ratified. In fact, all 12 of the original articles or amendments in the Bill of Rights are ratified. It's time Congress starts following them. Not 10 amendments, 12 amendments. One of those amendments clearly states we should have One Representative for every 50,000 people per district, per state, in the United States seated in the House of Representatives. Share with your friends that love American a

Ends Gerrymandering - Give not bigger government but better, more responsive Government. What the Founding Fathers wanted for us. Where did it go? Why don't you know about it?

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