- Breast Cancer Blog | Boob is a Weekend Word

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In the words of one of my dear friends, I will soon have extreme survivor street cred to go with my business cred/philanthropic cred/cooking cred/jewelry makin' cred.... I am a 39 year old female entrepreneur living in Athens, GA, and a future breast cancer survivor.

So there is a story behind the name of this blog. It started at my surgeon's office, Dr. Cody Gunn . As you can imagine, the first thing a woman thinks of when you are meeting with the "surgeon" and you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, is whether or not we are going to lose our most precious assets. So the first lucid question I could think to ask is: "Doc, give it to me straight. Are you going to have to hack off my boobs?" to which he replied, after some deliberation, " Boob is a weekend word. During