- New York Times Bestselling Ghostwriter Hy Bender

Description: New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, ace developmental editor, and top book proposal expert to help you create a book that sells & achieves your goals

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New York Times Bestselling Ghostwriter, World-Class Book Coach and Developmental Editor, and Top Book Proposal Expert to Help You Become a Famous, Respected, and Successful Author, Elevate Your Career by Branding Yourself as a Thought Leader in Your Field, and/or Reach Mass Audiences With Your Unique Voice and Message

You have something special the world needs—a life story, professional expertise, technical knowledge, a unique voice, a distinct vision. Whatever your gift is, you're depriving both yourself and everyone else if you're not sharing it with the world. And the most effective way to provide your in-depth information to mass audiences is a book.

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