Description: 緯育TibaMe提供線上課程、主題課程、實體課程及專業課程等,多元影音、線下、線上學習模式,提供人才最完整的職業訓練,從職能養成班到就業培訓課程,是你提升職場競爭力的最佳的學習平台!讓TibaMe成為你的職涯教練,從自我成長、職涯規劃到產業趨勢洞察,給你一輩子帶的走的職場能力。
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The depth of knowledge determines your height, recovering your career control
Let Tibame become your career coach, from self -growth, career planning, workplace skills to insight into industrial trends, and give you the workplace ability that you take for a lifetime
There is no limit to learning, so that changes can be seen!