
Description: Bootloader Studio is developing a novel approach that uses Affective AI to engage humans in a positive emotional mixed reality.

ai (10948) artificial intelligence (4449) engagement (2439) augmented reality (1256) emotional (528) mixed reality (298) emotion ai (7) human emotions (6) affective ai (4) digital pets (4)

Example domain paragraphs


Our most important value is excellence, the aspiration to do things that are outstanding. For this we believe in understanding our work deeply, finding innovative solutions, iterating till we find the perfect balance and delight, and rigorous training for all our team members. For us growth is an outcome of excellence, not the other way around.

We believe that human beings have infinite potential, free will and aspirations of their own, and are happiest when they are in harmony with their surroundings. The organization must be seen as a collective of people rather than a “machine” that is run to create customer value or profits. As long as each person's liberty does not infringe upon others' liberty and leads to harm, they should be allowed to express their choices in a non-judgemental manner. We believe that the quest for excellence along with li